Guest Post: Michael Clark

Awhile back, I put a feeler out on Twitter to see if anyone wanted to do guest posts for each other about being a blogger. Michael Clark saw the blogger signal high up in the sky and met me on the roof of a large building on a dark and stormy night to interview each other.


We came up with 10 questions and answered them on each other’s blogs. His blog is and he will be writing up a post with my answers sometime in the next couple of days! You can also find Michael on Twitter at @Michaelbigchees. I will let you bookworms know when it is posted. But for now, I will deliver his answers on my blog post so get ready to learn a bit about Michael!

ERIK: What is your top read of 2018 so far? 

MICHAEL: My top read of 2018 so far has been the Robot Geneticist series by J.S. Moran, he is a true genius.

ERIK: Most anticipated book release of 2018?

MICHAEL: My most anticipated release is the continued black ocean series also by Moran.

ERIK: How many books are in your TBR Pile?

MICHAEL: I have more books in TBR than there are sand grains in Georgia.

ERIK: Who is your favorite author? 

MICHAEL: My favorite author is either myself, Walter Mosley or Moran.

ERIK: How did you start blogging?

MICHAEL: I started blogging after spending 4 months waiting for an editor to get submitted to A magazine, and I started blogging to get my stories told.

ERIK:  Where is your favorite reading spot? 

MICHAEL: My favorite spot to read is my back porch.

ERIK: How long have you been a blogger? 

MICHAEL: I have only been blogging since April of this year.

ERIK: What do you like about reading?

MICHAEL:  I love the experience of being a different person for a while.

ERIK: If you had to describe yourself in a book title, what would it be?

MICHAEL: “A Gentleman and a Gangster”.

And that it for our blogger interview! If you wish to be in a blogger interview with me, comment below and I will send you the list of questions to fill out. It is a great way to open up to your readers and let them know a little bit more about you! I look forward to many more of these with my fellow book bloggers!

Cheers and have a great Sunday!

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